

Friday, September 21, 2007

Get rid of fear for rejection

Go ahead and feed your mind with this question... "What are somethings that prevent a S'pore man from succeeding with women?" List your thoughts down and go ask the question to a few guys youknow. I can be certain that if you compare thoughts with them, there's one COMMON point that keeps surfacing. It's...... fear of rejection.

By that, I mean some guys fear getting rejected during various courtship stages. The 'fear' can raise it's yucky head... at the approach... or at the time you want to call a lady out... or when you want to get a gal as your girlfriend. So the moment this fear appears, most attempts to move forward with a woman are reduced.Now, before we talk about handling fear of rejection, let's see how rejection is being 'generally defined'.

Most Singapore guys would see rejection to mean - "being refused". That meaning is not so bad. The bad part is when -1) They allow the meaning to CONSUME them and in doing so... 2) They project the meaning onto themselves ahead of time (even before they attempt anything with a woman). On the other hand, another group of men - those who ARE GOOD with women, tend to not accept the generally accepted meaning of rejection. If they receive a cold response from a lady, they do not see it as"being refused" (they'll NEVER see it that way). Instead, these men define the situation as "If a girl's response is not positive, she is essentially giving me the passport to talk to and attract ANOTHER girl. "So it's NOT about "being refused", it's that these men gave themselves permission to interact with women, to see eventually which woman enjoys interaction and which one doesn't. That's all there is to it. And they won't project ahead of time whether rejection will happen, because frankly, no one can say what will happen until an attempt is made.Are there more ways to deal with this fear of rejection that seem to plague 9 out of 10 guys? Of course, yet it must always start from the foundation of NOTaccepting rejection to mean what most guys out there think.

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