Now, in this e-letter, I'd like to upload an idea that can increase the amount of bonding you have with a woman the next time you're out on a date.
But first, let's 'investigate' what typically goes on during datesfor most of the guys out there.Usually, a man and a woman's date will involve a lot of 'sitting'. It's often a restaurant where they sit and chat. Once they're done, they'll move on to another place, say a cafe andsit again... repeating the process. And I haven't even mentioned about watching movies in a cinema...another 'sitting session'. There's nothing wrong with 'sit and chat' of course. However, itis certainly wrong if it's the ONLY type of interactivity a manultilizes on the date. What I'm suggesting is you need to ADD a deeper form of interactionwith women on dates.
Other than sitting down, you can move aroundwith her... you get involved in choosing things with her... youbelong to a little 'own world' with her.One suggestion is shopping. But hold on, I'm suggesting......NOT just plain shopping. There's a difference between 'passive shopping' and 'active shopping' when you're on a date. And 'active shopping' is the one that gets you results.
Put it simply, 'passive shopping' is just go to a store with a gal, look around and get out."Active shopping' is when you enter a shop, you toy around with thestuff inside with your date, you try things on for one another, youplay around... dress things up with her. You and the lady are INVOLVED. Eg: Bookstore. Find those horoscope books. Pick one up, hold ittogether with her and explore each others' sign. Giggle together athow real or how phony the things that are written. Then you bringher to another section with those 'personality test' books andstart quizzing one another. That is 'active shopping'.
To compare, 'passive shopping' in a bookstore is when you finger through the rows of books, flip through some and put back, whileshe seperately browse her own books... tell me, where's themale/female involvement? So, as you can imagine, bookstore is just an example. You canconnect with your date in gift shop, cd store, shoe shop etc. The idea is still the same... ... which is - When you and a girl are 'active shopping' from placeto place, her body receives signals that she's been to places and did a lot of things together with you. The amount of connection between you both is therefore... stronger.
Go ahead and use the suggested activity. And I recommend combiningit with some attraction-loaded strategies which appeal to womenmore than other guys can ever dream of. It further rocket-boostsyour attractiveness with her. Seriously, to attract the type of woman you desire, you cannot bejust like 'one of the guys'. You have to become a man who isattractivey different than others.
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